
Saturday, May 16, 2015

German Judge: “Greece’s Claims for Repayment of WWII Loan Are Just”

A top judge at Germany’s Supreme Administrative Court said Greece’s demand that Germany pays back the loan the country was forced to give during WWII is “just”, according to an article in German magazine Der Spiegel which will be published on Saturday. According to the article, titled “Just claims”, Judge Dieter Deiseroth is quoted as saying that “there’s a lot of evidence to suggest it was a loan,” adding that the Greek claim to repay is just. Deiseroth notes the request for individual compensation for victims could also be granted and that there cannot be a limitation period for Greece ‘s claims as a result of the Two Plus Four Agreement, which is a classic example of an agreement against a third party. “Greece has not waived its demands,” Deiseroth explains, as it was never expressed in writing and “there’s no waver through silence.” He also suggested that Greece appeals to the International Court of Justice, if the country wants to claim the loan, which however requires the agreement of Berlin, or alternatively, OSCE’s Court of Conciliation and Arbitration. Last week the greek government started a campaign to inform audiences at Athens’ subway about the atrocities performed during the Nazi occupation in Greece to support its reparation claims to Germany. The 50-second video clip shows footage from the Nazi occupation (1941-1944) that has cost Greece hundreds of thousands deaths and hundreds of billion in damages and looting. The short film is shown in 35 metro stations of the Greek capital. (source: ana-mpa)