
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fraternities hope their hashtag activism will make you like them

Activism of this kind is an easy way to make privileged personal grumpiness into a public spectacle – and look like an idiot in the processThe internet makes it easy to form activist communities, to rally people together to fight for a cause. The problem with this is that not all causes are righteous. Some are dumb.That’s how you end up with stuff like #WeAreNotOurStereotypes. This hashtag was started by fraternity and sorority members to let the world know they’re nothing like we might think – they have been to other countries, wear Carhartts, go to church and have some income that doesn’t come from their parents. Students in Greek organizations aren’t actually oppressed, or even inconvenienced, by the apparent perception that they only wear Ralph Lauren, or by misconceptions about what fraternity dues are for. They are merely slightly bummed out. Continue reading...