
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

FinMin Varoufakis, Moscovici Discuss Brussels Group Progress, Monday’s Eurogroup

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis told journalists on Tuesday he expects the Eurogroup on May 11 to discuss the progress made in the negotiations between Greek authorities and the representatives of the institutions. The statements were made following a working lunch with European Commissioner for Economic Affairs Pierre Moscovici in Brussels. Varoufakis reported having a “lengthy and constructive discussion,” with Moscovici that opened the way for a “successful Eurogroup on May 11.” He said the aim of the Eurogroup meeting on Monday will be to record the common ground achieved on a Brussels Group level, in the talks between the Greek government and the institutions. According to the finance minister, the great progress made in the talks must now be stabilized and lead through fast and effective handling to a “bridging of the gap that remains.” He stressed the need for agreements between Greece and its creditors that will help overcome the liquidity problem faced by the Greek economy, give a new boost to investments that will get the economy moving and chiefly promote a package of economic and social reforms needed to return the country to growth. The minister finally expressed his conviction that the May 11 Eurogroup will be “one more step in the direction of a comprehensive agreement.” In a post on his personal twitter account later on Tuesday, Moscovici said the meeting with Varoufakis had focused on the “significant progress” of the Brussels Group and “preparing a useful Eurogroup on May 11.” (source: ana-mpa)