
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Cyprus peace talks raise hopes of an end to a conflict that has haunted Europe

In biggest push in over a decade, Nicos Anastasiades, president of Greek southern sector, to meet Mustafa Akinci, new leader of Turkish-occupied northIt has taken more than 40 years, an army of mediators and several near-misses, but there is genuine hope that when the leaders of ethnically divided Cyprus resume peace talks on Friday, the west’s longest-running diplomatic dispute can finally be resolved.The quest to end a conflict that has haunted Europe since the summer of 1974 kicks off in earnest when Nicos Anastasiades, president of Cyprus’s internationally recognised Greek southern sector, meets Mustafa Akinci, a moderate leftist recently catapulted into power by Turkish Cypriots. Related: Hands across the divide: Cypriots go where their politicians fear to tread Related: Is Mustafa Akinci the best hope yet for a solution to the Cyprus problem? | George Kyris Related: Cyprus divided: 40 years on, a family recalls how the island was torn apart Continue reading...