
Friday, May 22, 2015

Cameron to meet Juncker at Chequers in EU renegotiation 'charm offensive'

The UK prime minister will also try to win over François Hollande and Angela Merkel after meeting EC president at country homeGreece says reform deal can come in 10 days, but Merkel is cautious - live updatesDavid Cameron will launch a push to win support for changes to the EU next week by entertaining the European commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, at Chequers before meetings with François Hollande and Angela Merkel. The UK prime minister began his campaign for EU renegotiation at a summit in Latvia on Friday, but there will be a significant intensification of his efforts when he meets the key players in Europe next week. Related: David Cameron plays down hopes of quick EU deal Related: Figures show immigration surge as Cameron unveils illegal working bill Continue reading...