
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Social Dialogue Over Collective Bargaining Underway in Greece

The first trilateral meeting between representatives of the social partners and the Greek government over labor legislation is underway at the Greek Labor Ministry. The restitution of the power of collective bargaining and the timetable for the gradual restoration of the minimum wage are the main points in the dialogue between the social partners, Labor Minister Panos Skourletis said on Tuesday in an interview to Athens-Macedonian News Agency. He said that the gradual restitution of the minimum wage to 650 euros will start on October 1, while by the end of the year the government will present its plan for “a brave radical reform of the social security system focused on finding new social resources.” We are entering a new phase, Skourletis said and explained that “we leave the five dark years that dismantled labor relations behind and we enter a new phase to repair at least one part of the damage that has been done.” (Source: ANA-MPA)