
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Slovak FinMin Kazimir Doubts a Greek Deal in April 24 Eurogroup

Slovak Finance Minister Peter Kazimir appeared skeptical on the possibility of Greece and its European partners reaching an agreement in the upcoming Eurogroup meeting. As he said, Greece is currently moving ever closer to the abyss and there are not high chances of a deal at the Eurozone Finance Ministers meeting scheduled to take place in Riga, Latvia, on April 24. “Given that we have lost a lot of time, I am skeptical,” Kazimir told reporters, according to Reuters, after a Slovak cabinet meeting when asked if he believed the Eurogroup could bring a breakthrough. As he said, “Greece is moving ever closer to the abyss.” The Slovak Finance Minister’s comments come in accordance with previous estimations published yesterday in German daily newspaper Handelsblatt. The chances of Greece striking a deal with its European partners in the upcoming April 24 Eurogroup are low, the German newspaper wrote, adding that the decision to release funds may come at the next Eurozone Finance Ministers meeting on May 11. As it was explained, the main reason for the delay is that Greece does not want to implement pension and labor market reforms, as requested by its partners, while the country is expected to yet again run out of cash by May 1, if no fresh assistance is unlocked. Last week, Greece’s Deputy Minister for International Economic Relations Euclid Tsakalotos said the Greek government aims to conclude talks with its international creditors regarding its revised reforms package within April and specifically before the 24th when the next Eurogroup meeting is scheduled.