
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

President, PM Express Grief Over Guenter Grass’s Death

For Greece and Greeks, Guenter Grass’s work is a real spiritual legacy, Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos said on Monday referring to the German Nobel-winning novelist’s death. Gunter Grass engraved indelible symbols of Humanitarianism and Justice in modern world — especially European — literature, Pavlopoulos said and added: “This is what we recently experienced in our country through tangible examples of sincere and selfless Philhellenism, in critical times for our people.” Guenter Grass’s loss concerns all European citizens, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said in a statement on Monday expressing his grief over the German novelist’s death. “Today we lost one of the reference points of the European culture; and Greece lost a valuable friend who did not hesitate to stand by the Greek people during the difficult times of the economic crisis when the stereotypes against Greece were at their peak,” Tsipras said. “Guenter Grass was not only the Nobel laureate virtuoso of speech but also the combative intellectual of the democratic and social commitment” and noted that “his ‘tin drum’ is the indelible landmark of the European political and anti-fascist literature.” Grass, the Nobel Prize-winning novelist who wrote “The Tin Drum”, died on Monday at the age of 87. (source: ana-mpa)