
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Poll: 7 Out of 10 Greeks Hope for an Agreement

The vast majority of Greeks vote in favor of remaining in the EU, the Eurozone and NATO, while they also are in favor of seeking an agreement with the country’s lenders, according to a new poll. The Kapa Research survey was conducted for the Greek newspaper To Vima and it shows that 71.9% of Greeks believe that Greece would benefit from reaching an agreement with its creditors, while 23.2% are in favor of a rupture. Furthermore, 72.9% want the country to stay within the Eurozone, while a 20.3% prefer to return to the drachma. Another 79.4% of Greeks prefer for the country to remain in the European Union and 73.7% prefer to stay in the NATO, against 17.2% and 22% respectively. However, citizens fear the possible Grexit, with 68.8% believing that there is real risk of Greece leaving the euro and 24.1% believe that the country is in the clear. The public opinion, however, is divided on the matter of a possible bankruptcy, with 36.1% of Greeks estimating that the country is on the brink of going bankrupt, while 32.7% of Greeks disagree with this opinion. The survey also revealed that the hopeful attitude towards the new Greek government is slowly fading (43.3% in April, 62.5% in February), and it is replace with concern (52.9% in April and 34% in February) and anger (32.6% in April, compared to 2.7% in February). As far as the political parties are concerned, SYRIZA is in the lead with 36.9% of the votes, while, New Democracy comes second with 21.7%, followed by To Potami (7.3%), Golden Dawn (5.7%), the Communist Party (5%), the Independent Greeks (4.6%) and PASOK (3.9%).