
Saturday, April 18, 2015

New Govt Service for Greek Expatriates in the Works

A new pilot service of the General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad (GGAE) will be the new channel of communication and service provider for expatriates. The new government agency that is in the works, is the initiative of Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias and its purpose is to expedite services and resolve problems of the Greek Diaspora. The new service will operate in cooperation with the Foreign Ministry, Citizen Service Centers (KEP), municipal authorities across Greece as well as other Ministries and state agencies so that Greeks living abroad can access various services from the country they live, quickly and efficiently. Already existing applications such as “HERMES” and “StartUpGreece” will be incorporated in the new agency program, along with other applications and new programs. GGAE was established in 1983 and is the main government body for the implementation of state policy regarding Diaspora Hellenism. Among other things, it is responsible for providing expatriates information relating to services of the Greek State.