
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Is your voice trustworthy, engaging or soothing to strangers?

Analysis of millions of audio files has led one US company to claim that their software can predict how a person’s voice will make a listener feelFew people consciously think about their voice, but the way we speak is one of the most fundamental parts of our individual identity. The intricate acoustic patterns which comprise speech affect how we’re seen in terms of our personality, our emotional state and even our professional competence, but it’s only been relatively recently that scientists have tried to delve into these complex vocal traits in more detail.The first people in recorded history to study the human voice were the ancients Greeks, a race fascinated by the differences in the vocal spectrum and their varying impact on our emotions. Sometime in the 2nd century AD, the Athenian scholar Julius Pollux attempted to meticulously map out the full range of human vocal qualities as perceived by the listener. Continue reading...