
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Greek PM Tsipras Optimistic Over Negotiation Outcome

A cabinet meeting chaired by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras took place in Athens late on Thursday with the focus mainly on developments in the negotiation with the country’s creditors, the efforts to reach an agreement over the next days, the measures that the Greek government is willing to impose and domestic politics on improving the government’s image. The Greek government is hoping to rush the negotiation with the institutions, while they believe it is possible to hold an emergency Eurogroup on Monday, May 4, which will record the negotiation progress. Meanwhile, the Greek Prime Minister appeared optimistic that a solution will be found in regards to the interim agreement. “I am optimistic that we are close to an agreement that will remain within the mandate that we have received from the people of Greece and will be defined by the red lines we have already set,” stated Tsipras during his speech at the cabinet meeting. The omnibus bill was not discussed in today’s cabinet meeting, according to government officials who noted that there was no reason for such a discussion while the talks in Brussels are still underway.