
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Greek PM Tsipras: ‘Greece Close to Initial Short-term Deal but Referendum An option’

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Tuesday said that his government is close to an initial and partial short-term deal with its lenders that may bring a first aid to cash-strapped Greece. He also added that he doesn’t see any reason for snap elections in Greece, but a referendum might be a last resort if the negotiations between the Greek government and its lenders do not produce a satisfactory deal for both parties involved. He noted though that he is certain that such a scenario will be avoided. He added that his newly-elected government cannot agree to more austerity measures such as pension-cuts and more taxes because SYRIZA was voted in to “stop the bleeding” of the Greek economy and Greek people. “If the solution falls outside our mandate, I will not have the right to violate it, so the solution to which we will come to will have to be approved by the Greek people,” Tsipras told Greek journalist Nikos Chatzinikolaou in an exclusive televised interview. “But I am certain we will not reach that point. Despite the difficulties, the possibilities to win in the negotiations are large. We should not give in to panic moves. Whoever gets scared in this game loses.” Speaking about his official visit to Russia, the Greek Prime Minister said he did not meet with Russian President Putin to ask him for money, but to coordinate on future projects the two countries might jointly undertake such as the construction of the gas pipeline that will pass through Greece.