
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Greek Parliament Passes Controversial Bill Allowing House Arrest for Disabled Terrorists

A Justice Ministry draft bill abolishing high-security prisons was voted in the Greek Parliament plenum on Friday night with the full support of ruling coalition parties SYRIZA and Independent Greeks (ANEL), following a roll-call vote requested by main opposition New Democracy (ND). The bill contained five articles and two amendments. ND requested a roll-call vote for all sections, following controversy over a provision allowing convicts with heavy disabilities and serving long sentences to stay under house arrest, wearing a special monitoring bracelet. ND and “To Potami” voted down all articles and amendments; PASOK voted down all but one amendment, on which it declared “present,” while Golden Dawn and the Greek Communist Party (KKE) voted variously. The bill and its votes are broken down as follows: – Article 1 abolishes high-security prisons (For: 174, Against: 75) – Article 3 allows the release of all inmates over 75 years old sentenced to up to 10 years (For: 166, Against: 75, “Present”: 8) – Article 6 allows Savvas Xeros (November 17 terrorist group member) and lifers who have major disabilities (over 80%) to serve sentence under house arrest, wearing the monitoring bracelet (For: 152, Against: 75, “Present”: 22) – Article 9 relates to measures benefitting minors (For: 152, Against: 75, “Present”: 22) – Article 12 foresees emergency measures to relieve overcrowding in jails (For: 152, Against: 89, “Present”: 8) – Amendment #43 allows relatives of incarcerated terrorists, imprisoned over complicity as relatives, to serve their sentence under house arrest (For: 152, Against: 75, “Present”: 22) – Amendment #46 abolishes the law forbidding hood-wearing during demonstrations, upholding it in cases of holdups and robberies. (For: 166, Against: 74, “Present”: 9) (source: ana-mpa)