
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Greek Gov’t Denies Scenarios of New Elections and Voluntary Default

The Greek government denies the scenario of snap elections and allegations that it is seeking a rift with creditors in order to voluntarily default. The critical April 24th Eurogroup will determine the government’s next move, analysts say. If Athens reaches an agreement with lenders by that date, it will have valuable time until June, when the extension of the current bailout expires and a new deal must be signed. Sources close to the Maximos Mansion say that the SYRIZA-led government denies all talk about snap elections or a referendum. They say that if negotiations lead to a “painful compromise,” the reforms and measures proposed will not be voted by the majority of the ruling party. According to analysts, the government will decide what path to choose after the outcome of negotiations with the troika of international lenders. They say that the main weapon of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is the popular support, despite the fact that he has backed down on some of his election promises. However, analysts do not rule out a referendum or snap elections. The elections scenario was generated by a Bild report. According to the German tabloid, the Alexis Tsipras government is preparing for snap elections. The government spokesperson denied all scenarios stating that the Alexis Tsipras administration has the people’s mandate to negotiate the best possible agreement with creditors. According to anonymous sources within the government, the Greek side claims that creditors are not backing down on Greece’s logical demands because their ultimate goal is to see the SYRIZA-led government fail and collapse. They use as proof the repeated international press reports propagating that Greece wants to leave the euro zone.