
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Greek Defense Minister Warns of GREXIT Severe Consequences

Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos has warned EU leaders that Greece won't be able to control its borders on account of the constant efforts for destabilization exerted by EU leaders. In an interview for the British Times, the leader of Independent Greeks party (ANEL) Kammenos spoke about the possibility of GREXIT and the possible consequences. He noted that authorities in Berlin and Brussels are aiming at leading Greece to a complete ''economic capitulation''. “This gross meddling into [Greek] domestic affairs is not just unheard of by European standards but it is unethical and dangerous,'' Kammenos stated Tuesday. He added that the border police in the country most probably won't be able to exercise full control over the borders in the light of the “waves of undocumented migrants, including radical elements, that will come through Turkey,” thus making a reference to threat posed by Islamic State and other terrorist groups. His statements were largely criticized as both ally SYRIZA MPs and opposition party members of To Potami as being too harsh and unjustified. Kammenos had warned EU representatives in March that if they continued oppressing the SYRIZA government, Greece would have no other choice but to grant all illegal migrants with the necessary documents to travel to other EU member states, so that they could go ''straight to Berlin''.