
Monday, April 20, 2015

Greece has gotten so messed up, Credit Suisse just launched a new way to cover it (CS, GREK)

The situation in Greece is getting serious.  And in response, analysts at Credit Suisse launched a new regular research note on Monday called "Greek Watch." In this series, the firm will track any and all developments in the country's negotiations with its EU creditors. In the inaugural report, Credit Suisse notes that 0n April 24, Greece is set to meet with the Eurogroup, which the firm says isn't likely to approve a €7.2 billion euro aid release.  This brings the next major date to May 11, when Greece is again scheduled to meet with the Eurogroup. As for when Greece needs to pay up, there is a May 1 IMF interest payment of €200 million due with another €800 million due on May 12; Greece also has €1.4 billion worth of maturing debt coming due on May 8. The latest news out of Greece is a report on Monday that the Greek government has moved to force local governments to park their cash at the Greek central bank as these repayment dates loom. Join the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: Watch these giant container ships collide near the Suez Canal