
Monday, April 20, 2015

Golden Dawn Trial Postponed as Party Leadership Was Absent

The first day of the highly anticipated Golden Dawn trial only lasted two hours as the neo-Nazi party’s leadership was absent. The court was adjourned until May 7. Party leader Nikos Michaloliakos and the rest of the party’s leadership, a total of 14 MPs, were absent. Giorgos Roupakias, the perpetrator of the murder of musician-activist Pavlos Fyssas was present. Outside the Korydallos Prison, in Athens, Greece, where the trial is held in a specially constructed courtroom, there were two separate protest rallies: One of Golden Dawn members and another of anti-fascist groups. The trial started at 9:20 am with the judge announcing the case and the names of the 69 accused. The Golden Dawn members and associates are accused of forming and operating a criminal organization.