
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Eurozone Officials: Greece’s Representative Acting Like a Taxi Driver in Negotiations

European officials appear to be losing their temper with Greece’s leftist government, causing some of them to proceed to some -at least- scornful comments for the Greek officials participating in the ongoing negotiations regarding the country’s bailout program. According to an unnamed Eurozone official cited by German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Athens’ representative acted during the talks “like a taxi driver,” just asking for money rather than laying out the government’s plans for economic reforms. As the German newspaper said, the Eurozone officials were shocked by Greece’s lack of progress in presenting a completed plan during a meeting of the single currency’s Finance Ministers held in Brussels last week. On its behalf, the Greek Finance Ministry dismissed the report on Sunday, highlighting that “the newspaper will have difficulty justifying its headline and the content of its article,” adding that “such reports undermine the negotiation and Europe.” Regardless of the speculation and reactions, the article pointed out the tensioned climate between Greece and its Eurozone partners, which has spiked in recent weeks, while the relations between Athens and Berlin only seem to get worse, despite Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ recent visit to the German capital where he met with Chancellor Angela Merkel.