
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

EU Commissioner Moscovici: Negotiations Are Not Going Fast Enough

European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici stated on Wednesday that the talks between Greece and its lenders to reach an agreement are conducted “under better conditions” after the establishment of a political negotiation group by Athens, however he reiterated that “the negotiations are not going fast enough.” “The negotiation is serious, taut and has advanced, but not fast enough and in an unsufficient way,” Moscovici told French BFM-TV, according to Reuters news agency. “A consistent, comprehensive and coherent reform program should be set now on the table,” he added. Referring to the new negotiation team, the European Commissioner stated “We have a team that seems to be more coherent and that seems to me more ready for reforms…but I want results. I believe that this negotiation that is now forming under better conditions has not been completed yet” he added noting that “there is an emergency.” What is important, said Moscovici, is that Mr. Tsipras is taking back the negotiations himself and is sending to Brussels his people, trustworthy people who we can talk to” he said estimating that “from this point of view it is a good sign.” He also noted that “EU wants Greece to remain in the eurozone‘ and stated that “there is not plan B, there is not other solution.” (source: ana-mpa)