
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Election 2015 live: Ed Miliband and Boris Johnson interviewed on the Marr show

Andrew Marr’s interviews with Ed Miliband and Boris Johnson - SummaryMiliband rules out confidence and supply arrangement with SNPMurdoch says Cameron won’t survive as Tory leader if he doesn’t win majoritySturgeon says Miliband will ‘change his tune’ about working with SNP after electionCameron turns up emotion as he defends campaigning on the economyAfternoon briefing 5.14pm BST Not a day that is going to decide the election campaign, but Ed Miliband and David Cameron have both confounded their critics; Miliband by outclassing Boris Johnson quite easily on the Andrew Marr show, and Cameron by showing that it is possible to give a passionate speech about his economic stability agenda.Some people will say, well you’re playing it a bit safe, they’ll say you’re talking too much; they already are talking too much, about economic stability and economic security and the security of families here in our country. I have been prime minister these last five years. People are saying to me, you are putting too much emphasis on a strong and stable economy and on securing our future. I plead guilty. I know how important it is to have that strength and that stability in our economy. I know that everything else you talk about, it’s just dreams without a strong economy. That’s what we’ve got to get across these last few days. All those dreams.Keeping rent rises in line with inflation will reduce poverty and allow tenants a better standard of living.And let us tell all of those parties including Ukip, who threaten this aid, that we are proud of what we have done.Not as a matter of charity but as a matter of justice. 4.31pm BST As Rupert Murdoch has noticed, there is quite a lot of speculation around today about David Cameron being replaced.But, with the day’s political events mostly over, it is worth pointing out this has probably been a good day for the Cameron share price. He made a speech that was well received (see 3.30pm), while three of the people tipped as likely successors have all, in one way or another exposed their limitations.People will look at these silly comments and I was going to say they would treat them with contempt - that actually attaches too much seriousness to them. People will just laugh at her.Are you being paid by the cliche, Sajid Javid?After faltering performances @BorisJohnson @MarrShow + @sajidjavid @daily_politics will 1922 members admit @David_Cameron = best they have? 4.04pm BST 4.01pm BST Nick Clegg has criticised Labour’s plans for rent controls. He said:What the Labour Party has said might sound superficially attractive, but I think it will be much less attractive to tenants across the country when they realise that in practice it will mean huge hikes in their rent every three years and probably fewer properties available to rent in the first place because more and more landlords will simply quit altogether. 3.57pm BST Ed Miliband has just finished his speech on international development at s rally in Islington. I have not seen the text yet, but here, from Twitter, are some of the highlights.Ross Kemp prepares to introduce Ed Miliband at Labour's international development event in London #ge2015 animated Neil Kinnock is hoping Ed Miliband will achieve a better result Gordon Brown has sent a video message reels off the greatest hits of UK aid spending. "Aid works, and the proof is all around the world." #developmentdayMiliband excellent on foreign aid commitments. "We are proud of what we have done. Not as a matter of charity - but as a matter of justice.""Politics is too important to the politicians," Miliband says, "It's you who hold us to account." #developmentday 3.52pm BST On the Lib Dem bus, campaigning is a family affair, my colleague Frances Perraudin reports.Clegg's wife Miriam and their three sons are on the bus. The youngest is giving out biscuits made from a recipe on Miriam's food blog. 3.46pm BST Natalie Bennett, the Green party leader, is in Liverpool today. In a speech, she said the Greens would make public transport cheaper and invest more in charging points for electric cars.Ultimately we want to make public transport more appealing. It needs to be cheaper, and more reliable. Buses outside of London need to be as reliable as they are in the capital.We want to invest more than any other party into cycling and walking. We’d spend £30 per person on cycling and walking provision – ensuring that everyone has access to safe routes to local amenities and, wherever possible, there places of work. 3.30pm BST Here is some Twitter comment from political journalists on David Cameron’s speech. There seems to be general agreement that, in response to criticism of his campaign, he has upped his game a bit.From Tim Montgomerie, the Times columnist and ConservativeHome founderWatching Cameron on TV now (the football is too painful) (and the sound is off) he is looking v energised and angry. He's obv got the memo.David Cameron literally holding a rally at the end of Paddy Ashdown's road message staying same, but Cameron ramping up language amid Tory grumblings. Says Labour can stick their arguments "where sun don't shine"Cameron's "boring is good" speech: "If you want political theatre, go to Hollywood. If you want political excitement go to Greece."David Cameron looks pretty stung by criticism that he has lacked passion in this campaign. Really going for it here 3.22pm BST David Cameron has just finished his speech. In it, he confirmed that George Osborne would remain as chancellor if the Tories won the election.Cameron: If we win the election, George Osborne will be back at his desk at the Treasury. Finally burying Oz to Foreign Sec speculation? 3.19pm BST David Cameron is in Paddy Ashdown’s village.Cameron in my village. The poor chap is confused again. He's come to the wrong place entirely. Like a West Ham fan at an Aston Villa match. 3.16pm BST David Cameron is now speaking at a Conservative rally in Somerset. He is in David Laws’ constituency.If people are saying to me you are putting too much emphasis on a strong and a stable economy, and securing our future, I plead guilty. I know how important it is to have that strength and that stability in our economy.They now tell us that this was a joke. But I can tell you, as the prime minister at the time, it wasn’t a joke. It wasn’t a joke having to make the spending reductions to get the deficit down.If you want political excitement. Go to GreeceIf you want more showbiz in this election. Go to Hollywood. 3.06pm BST Here is a Guardian video of Boris Johnson and Ed Miliband on the sofa together on the Andrew Marr show. 3.05pm BST Labour says that the fact that Tories are speculating about their next leader (see 9.04am) suggests the party is “in disarray”. This is from Jon Ashworth, the shadow Cabinet Office minister.While Ed Miliband is setting out his better plan to give Generation Rent a more secure future, senior Tories are on manoeuvres, jockeying for who will be their next leader. It’s a damning indictment of David Cameron that he’s powerless to do anything about it. 2.57pm BST Here is the full quote from Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP leader, on Sky about Ed Miliband changing his tune on not working with the SNP after the election. She was responding to Jon Craig, who suggested that Miliband this morning (see 10.56am) had “called [her] bluff”. Surgeon replied:No he’s not. He is saying he wants a majority. Well yeah, he is entitled to say that, but all the polls show that he is not going to get a majority ... I suspect Ed Miliband will change his tune once the votes are cast.If Ed Miliband doesn’t get a majority, as the polls are all saying he won’t, then he will have to work with other parties and the SNP will use our influence to make sure Scotland’s voice is heard more loudly than it’s been before to make sure we get better politics out of Westminster for the benefit of ordinary people, not just in Scotland, but right across the UK. 2.47pm BST Rupert Murdoch has had quite a Twitter splurge today. Here are some more of the great man’s pronouncements.UK. Polls all indicate hung parliament, possible constitutional crisis. Doubt the crisis bit. Deals, maybe dirty, will be done.Scots may be crazy or not wanting self rule, but who can deny right of self determination? Feels inevitable over next few years.S. Times shows rich almost doubled over last few years. Same in US. Why? Central bankers printing trillions, no real job creation.Blimey, is Murdoch joining the 1% v 99% narrative? Not sure Cam/Osborne wd agree 'no real job creation' 2.42pm BST Nicola Sturgeon has told Sky News that she thinks Ed Miliband will “change his tune” about working with the SNP after the election.Sturgeon LIVE with @joncraig : "I suspect ed miliband will change his tune after the votes are cast" 2.37pm BST Speaking at a Liberal Democrat rally in Sutton and Cheam, Nick Clegg was asked to respond to Miliband’s comments that he would not do any sort of deal with the SNP. The problem is I don’t know what he’s going to say tomorrow.This is the dilemma for both David Cameron and Ed Miliband. They’re thrashing around making up things on the hoof because they daren’t admit what everybody knows, which is that they’re not going to win an outright majority. 2.29pm BST The most interesting thing to come out of George Osborne’s interview on the World this Weekend was almost certainly Rupert Murdoch’s tweet.UK. Failure to win majority against either Brown in crisis or Miliband would mean chop for Cameron. Open talk today in party and press. 2.19pm BST The backlash against Boris Johnson continues. This is from the BBC’s Nick Robinson.Wonder how many Tories still think Boris is their under-used secret weapon after this morning's performance on the Marr sofa? 2.17pm BST I’ve corrected a couple of sentences in the summary of the Miliband/Johnson interviews on Marr. (See 10.56am.) Earlier I said:If Miliband does not have a majority, but David Cameron cannot form a government, Miliband will only be invited to Buckingham Palace to become prime minister if he can be sure of being able to win a confidence vote (which would probably require SNP support). He would need some sort of assurance from Nicola Sturgeon.If Miliband does not have a majority, but David Cameron cannot form a government, Miliband will only be invited to Buckingham Palace to become prime minister if he is the person most likely to be able to win a confidence vote (which would probably require SNP support). And to be able to govern, he would want to know that the SNP would not vote against him in a confidence motion. 1.40pm BST Osborne says he wants Britain to be “the country with the greatest economic possibility in the world for its citizens”.Q: The Conservative campaign has been criticised for lack of passion and vision.UK. Failure to win majority against either Brown in crisis or Miliband would mean chop for Cameron. Open talk today in party and press. 1.33pm BST Q: In the past you said unfunded spending commitments threaten the economy. Have you changed your plan?Osborne says he set out a plan at the last election, and he has proved in office he can deliver. 1.27pm BST Q: Do you know what you will do? Or do you not have a clue?Osborne says he has set out some example of changes the Tories propose. And the Tories have a track record of turning around the economy. They have reduced poverty and equality. 1.24pm BST George Osborne is being interviewed on the World this Weekend.Q: Would you rule out cuts to disability benefits? 1.20pm BST Rupert Murdoch is getting into the election forecasting business.UK. Likely approximate outcome, far from certain - Con 294 seats, Lab 265, SNP 48, LD. 25, odds 18. Everything still to tight for! 12.39pm BST Alex Salmond, the former SNP leader and Scottish first minister, told Sky earlier that Theresa May was “overwrought” if she thought that having a minority Labour government dependent on the SNP would trigger the worst crisis since the abdication. (See 9.04am.) He told the programme.This stuff from Theresa May about the worst constitutional crisis since 1936, I mean, has she forgotten the second world war or, more recently, the illegal war in Iraq which the Labour party and the Conservatives dragged this country into? For goodness sake!The woman’s overwrought, as indeed is David Cameron. We’ve got a prime minister who can’t remember the name of his football team and a home secretary who is becoming a social media parody – there’s whole sites going up making fun of Theresa May’s panic and desperation.There's no hot dinner, and you're the one who has to tell Clarkson #WorstCrisisSinceTheAbdication on the Bakerloo line #WorstCrisisSinceTheAbdicationI had to eat fish and chips without vinegar tonight #WorstCrisisSinceTheAbdicationAccidentaly voted @scottishlabour #WorstCrisisSinceTheAbdicationEnglish tabloids failing to influence election #WorstCrisisSinceTheAbdication 12.26pm BST Tim Montgomerie, the ConservativeHome founder and Times columnist, says Tory MPs were not impressed by Boris Johnson’s performance on the Andrew Marr show.Tory MPs somewhat down on @BorisJohnson's #Marr performance, one telling me: If he wants top job he needs more precision, less bluster 12.22pm BST Plaid Cymru has put out a press release out today’s Sunday Times Rich List. This is from Leanne Wood, the party leader.Today’s publication of the Rich List boosts the already overwhelming case for rebalancing wealth throughout the UK. The fact that the number of billionaires has increased shows that austerity is benefiting the wealthiest to the detriment of those who are struggling to make ends meet. For too long, vast areas of the UK have been economically depressed with most political efforts concentrated on the south east. GDP in Inner London is almost twelve times more than some communities in Ynys Môn with several areas of northern England in the same position. 12.14pm BST They don’t take no for an answer at CCHQ - literally. As I reported here, see 10.56am, and Nicholas Watt and Rowena Mason have written up as a story, Ed Miliband firmly ruled out a confidence and supply arrangement with the SNP.But the Conservative press office has sent out a press notice headlined: “Ed Miliband refuses 10 times to rule out SNP deal in a single interview.” They have put this out even though Miliband specifically said “no deals”. 12.04pm BST Nick Clegg, the Lib Dem leader, has just delivered a speech in Sutton accusing Labour and the Conservatives of refusing to be honest about the possibility of a hung parliament. According to the Lib Dems, there have been 176 poll this year, and 174 of them suggest that the election will result in a hung parliament. Ed Miliband and David Cameron won’t come clean with you about their plans and they won’t come clean with you about what sort of government they might form.These are two big deceptions they are trying to pull off at your expense.An election where no one wins outright can actually be a healthy thing. It can mean politicians working together in the national interest.Ed Miliband could be prime minister in less than two weeks. But with enough Liberal Democrat MPs we can stand between Alex Salmond and the door of No 10 … But it is just as possible that David Cameron could be prime minister again. And this time, instead of being forced to listen to the Liberal Democrats, it could be Nigel Farage and his friends on the right that get to dictate terms. 11.53am BST Suzanne Evans, the Ukip deputy chair, told Sky’s Murnaghan programme earlier that she did not believe David Cameron would hold a referendum on EU membership.I don’t believe for a moment David Cameron is going to give us a referendum. He’s promised a referendum in the past and has actually reneged on his promises. [Cameron] has said the Conservatives were the only party that were going to lower taxes, all the others wanted to raise taxes – that’s clearly not true. Ukip is committed to lowering taxes. He also said Conservatives were the only party standing a candidate in every part of the UK. Again, that’s not true and Ukip already has representatives across the United Kingdom. 11.41am BST The legal blogger Carl Gardner has been in touch to say he does not think it is right to say that Ed Miliband might require assurances from the SNP to become prime minister. (See 10.56am.) He explained his thinking in a lengthy blog post recently. Here’s an extract.If it becomes clear after May 7th that David Cameron no longer commands a majority and cannot continue in office, then in accordance with convention he’ll resign; and all precedent, all expert opinion and the Cabinet manual itself tell us the leader of the largest opposition party will be appointed prime minister. Miliband won’t first need to ask Sturgeon to go looking in her handbag.How long his government could survive is a separate question. 11.35am BST Peter Hall, the Conservative donor quoted in the Sunday Times criticising the election campaign (see 9.04am), has issued a retraction. This week I was interviewed by a Sunday Times journalist. Some comments I made appear in an article in today’s paper. I regret making those comments and apologise to all for this unconstructive intervention. Just to be clear. 1. I am an absolute nobody in politics. 2. I want the Conservative party to win the election and think it has a chance of doing so. 3. The government has done a good job in very difficult circumstances. 4. David Cameron is a better prime minister than I think Boris is likely to be be if ever becomes prime minister. 5. I will shut up for now. 11.24am BST Nicola Sturgeon will be launching the SNP’s youth manifesto with actor Martin Compston, while Jim Murphy will challenge her at a youth-related campaign event of his own to clarify her plans for a second referendum. This looks to be a key theme for Scottish Labour this week after Gordon Brown’s warnings of “constitutional crisis” on Saturday.As if Boris Johnson’s Marr interview wasn’t bad enough, the Scotsman reports that the mayor of London has effectively banned bagpipes, noting that a new code of conduct for buskers in the city includes “piercing sounds like bagpipes” which should only be played at a safe distance from “flats, offices, shops or hotels,” ie nowhere in the the south-east of England.A new Panelbase poll for the Sunday Times has shown support for the SNP has risen by a further 3 points since their last poll at the start of April. Support for the SNP now stands at 48 per cent, compared with 27 per cent for Labour – down 2 on Panelbase’s previous poll. 10.56am BST That was an unusually productive Andrew Marr Show. There was some news (see below). But often what matters most in these big set-piece interviews is not the words but the demeanour of the person being interviewed, and today Ed Miliband put in a performance that will confirm the view that he has been seriously underrated as a media performer. The interview really came alive at the end, when Miliband was on the sofa with Boris Johnson, and if Johnson got the better of Marr by out-talking him (see 9.38am), then Miliband quite neatly carved up Johnson on two key election themes (non-doms and Miliband’s character). As Marr rightly suggested, it was one of the best moments of election TV we’ve seen.Here are the key points:Lynton Crosby put him up to it. Come on Boris, you’re better than that. Don’t just do what Lynton says to you. Come on, Boris.I’m not saying your brother had to present himself at A&E with a dagger in his back – but he would do more damage to this country than to his brother, and that is the key point.If you become leader of the Tory party, I would get rid of Lynton, if I were you. Honestly, he does not do much for you.I have some brilliant housing officials in City Hall. Let me tell you, they are not by any means all paid-up Conservative supporters, to put it mildly, and they all to a man and a woman think a policy of trying to impose rent controls is pure nonsense, a gimmick, wouldn’t work. And if it did work, if you went ahead with the drivel we have seen on the front of the papers this morning and imposed a three-year cap on rents, all that would happen is first of all you would discourage people from getting into the rental market. They don’t. And that is both nonsense and, may I say, trivial by comparison with the choice the country has to make in 11 days’ time. 10.13am BST This is what political journalists are saying about Andrew Marr’s interview with Ed Miliband.I will be posting a summary and analysis shortly.Miliband says he thinks "we can win" the election in Scotland. This takes political optimism to crystal meth levelsOnce again #musiconMarr intervenes to cut off the best bit of the show. I could have watched 10 more minutes of Boris and Mili going at it"I'm not interested in deals" says @Ed_Miliband re @snp. Important but without one he may never get the call to go to the Palace.Nonsense for Miliband to claim he leads his party.Unlike Kinnock he's constantly appeased his party- eg on tax, spending and borrowing #MarrThat was comfortably the best #Marr interview I’ve seen Miliband do. Comfortable, assertive, on top of detailBoris and Ed MIliband on #Marr. If the Tories lose, this could be PMQs for the next 5 years folks.Miliband completely outclassing Boris. #marrshowAfter a dead bat interview not answering many questions Ed Miliband comes alive when taking on Boris Johnson. very interestingBoris came through looking loyal, without committing news. Miliband got through it & looked pretty good. Mission accomplished for both #MarrMiliband used to be excitable and over-earnest. Today was confident and measured on #Marr. Almost a new man. Labour troops will be cheered. 10.00am BST Miliband and Johnson are on the sofa together.Q: What do you make of Labour’s plan to abolish non-dom status? 9.53am BST Q: Economists say rent controls do not work.Miliband says he does not accept that. There are 11 million people in private rental accommodation. They have been forgotten. 9.50am BST Q: Why did you not apologise for Labour’s over-spending?Miliband says Labour did not regulate the banks properly. He has apologised for that. 9.49am BST Q: You have allowed yourself to borrow more money for capital spending? So you will borrow more.Miliband says that is not the case. None of his plans require extra borrowing. 9.46am BST Q: Would you start borrowing again?Miliband says none of his plans require extra borrowing. 9.45am BST Q: Clegg says a Labour-SNP government would be illegitimate. Theresa May is saying the same. Do you agree?Miliband says there isn’t going to be an agreement with the SNP. 9.43am BST Andrew Marr is now interviewing Ed Miliband.Q: How can you be prime minister if you lose in England and Scotland? 9.38am BST This is what political journalists are saying about Marr’s interview with Johnson. It seems to be 1-0 to Johnson.Boris not going as far as Theresa May in saying Lab-SNP deal illegitimate. Osborne wouldn't either when I interviewed him.@georgeeaton Can you imagine what it must be like to watch a Boris interview in CCHQ? Like watching a man cross a minefield.Boris running down the clock with his bumbling, posh boy act... #marrshowDid Andrew Marr get the time for even four questions? Boris just carpet bombed himBoris seems to be assuming that Labour is going to win in his interview with #MarrBoris Johnson is more confident of a Labour government than many Labour members! Thanks Boris! #marrThat Boris interview was like a surrealist one-act play. 9.34am BST Q: What do you think of Labour’s rent control plans?Johnson says all his officials in City Hall, who are not paid up Conservatives, are opposed to the idea. 9.31am BST Q: Could the Tories do any deals with Ukip after the election?Johnson says he does not envisage that. He does not think it is necessary or desirable. 9.28am BST Andrew Marr is now interviewing Boris Johnson.Q: You have been making a lot of the danger of the SNP. 9.23am BST Andrew Marr is interviewing Leanne Wood, the Plaid Cymru leader, now.Q: You could not do a deal with the Conservatives.If you don’t ask for something, you don’t get it. 9.14am BST Here is today’s Guardian seat projection. 9.04am BST Good morning. It’s the penultimate weekend of the election campaign, and I’m writing today’s Election Live blog.SUNDAY TIMES: Labour will bring back rent controls #tomorrowspaperstoday #BBCPapers all began with James Kirkup’s piece in Saturday’s Telegraph that senior figures in the Conservative party are already planning for a world after Cameron and were even considering installing Boris Johnson as leader by acclamation after the election. I picked up the same talk early last week with multiple sources talking about mysterious approaches to donors by senior figures in the party about whether Boris might take over, all of which are of course vociferously denied by the powers that be.Today, Marie Woolf and I report in The Sunday Times that this is just the tip of the iceberg. We both received unsolicited phone calls from MPs all week saying that cabinet ministers and their supporters were already phoning around seeking their backing for leadership bids if Cameron fails to get back into government.Peter Hall, an investment manager, who has given almost £600,000 to the Tory party since 2005, criticised Cameron’s “curious lack of energy and belief in his campaign” and called on him to “unleash visceral passion and belief in his vision of the future” and “get down and dirty” if he is to remain prime minister.He added: “If we don’t have a Conservative government after May 7 it will be because of David Cameron. I see no powerful vision of the future provided by David Cameron” ...A YouGov poll today shows the Tories would move from two points behind Labour to three points ahead if Johnson were leader. He is judged Cameron’s best successor by 31%, with Theresa May, the home secretary, second on 13%.MAIL ON SUNDAY: May - SNP/Lab pact 'worst crisis since abdication' #tomorrowspaperstoday #BBCPapers I’ve realised it is possible to be business-like with them. I can envisage a scenario in which I would stomach working with the Tories if the situation required. You have to let your head rule your heart.We can’t let small extreme tendencies dominate the country. I speak as someone who has lived in Scotland. I have Scottish children. We could not work with people committed to break up the UK. Continue reading...