
Monday, April 13, 2015

Celebrate Europe's music this Europe Day

by  Emma Nicolas Europe Day is just around the corner, and its timing could not be more ideal. For one day and one day only, member states can leave behind the pessimism associated with the ongoing Eurozone crisis, the possibility of a UK referendum and the state of Greece’s economy—and just celebrate Europe.  This May 9 will mark sixty-five years since French foreign minister Robert Schuman presented the Schuman Declaration; the founding document of what is now known as the European Union. There is no better place to celebrate the founding of the EU than the home base of its many institutions. New Europe is here to provide you with the best Europe Day celebrations, beginning with the Ancienne Belgique’s Europe Day event. On Saturday, May 9 the AB will host their first ever “Europe Day” celebration, in the form of an afternoon debate on how music could be a key player in bringing Europeans together. The debate will cover topics ranging from how music contributes to the European identity to how music can be more easily shared across borders. The debate will be between politicians, music professionals and NGO representatives, and will be moderated by legendary Belgian radio host and musician, Jan Hautekiet. The European Youth Forum, European Commission and Euroradio are all co-hosting the event with AB. The debate will follow the launch of Liveurope, which is the first ever cooperation of multiple music venues to promote new talent throughout Europe. Stick around after the debate for a series of concerts by upcoming European artists, tickets are selling for 15 euro on the AB website. The actual debate is free of charge, but you must RSVP as there is limited space available.    PHOTO CREDIT: Ancienne Belgique