
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Almost €2 Million Found at Dead Pensioner’s Home in Northern Greece

The 2,000 euros found in the pockets of a Greek pensioner who died in a Thessaloniki coffee shop was just a drop in the ocean compared to the fortune found in his home. The man was a retired high-ranking official of the Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE) and was living alone. The deceased had no relatives and a report said he had not left a will other than a promise to his acountant that he would leave all his fortune to him when he dies. The pensioner died of natural causes in a coffee shop. Since he had no relatives, people who knew him went to his home, accompanied by the authorities, to see if he had a left a will. When they searched the house for bank passbooks or other documents, they found 1.5 million euros in cash and gold coins worth 350,000 euros. The pensioner’s fortune was hidden in tupperware containers all over the house, in the attic, in drawers, closets and cabinets.