
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Alexis Tsipras looks to Moscow, but he risks becoming Putin’s useful idiot

Hostility to Germany has brought the Greeks and Russians closer but for Athens the move is riskyThere is nothing wrong with travelling to Moscow these days if you are a European politician. The problem is what you say, or do, when you’re there. The danger isn’t so much ending up in prison – Russia is not North Korea. Nor is it that no one should talk to Putin or his regime. Russia is a player that cannot be ignored across many international fields, from the Middle East to nuclear proliferation and even climate change. It attacked Ukraine and trampled on a half-dozen treaties and rules that uphold the post-1945 European security order, but no one has considered breaking off diplomatic relations. The risk of a trip to Moscow is that you may be taken for a “useful idiot”: the expression, often attributed to Lenin, applies to those who become instrumentalised when they take a position that serves Moscow’s propaganda aims much more than their own interests or intentions. Related: Alexis Tsipras calls western sanctions against Russia 'road to nowhere' Hugging close to Putin is not the best way to show that you are 'a proud member of the European Union' Continue reading...