
Saturday, April 25, 2015

18-Year-Old Jihadist Arrested in Greek-Albanian Border

An 18-year-old Albanian national was arrested yesterday morning at the Kakavia border crossing station between Greece and Albania on charges of involvement in armed conflicts and war operations in third countries, such as Syria, as the General Police Directorate of Albania explained in a statement. The young man’s initials are JC and he was extradited by Greek Police. He is being investigated by the Albanian Police Counter-Terrorism Directorate for possible links with jihadist groups currently operating in Albania, Kosovo and FYROM. The 18-year-old will be referred to the criminal court of Tirana. The arrest indicates that jihadist cells have already been created in the Balkans, where extremists approach young men in order to convince them to participate in the jihad. Although, this is the first known case of a jihadist being in Greece for an undefined period of time.