
Monday, April 13, 2015

10 things you need to know before European markets open

Good morning! Here are 10 things you need to hear about in the markets today. Hillary Clinton ended two years of speculation by announcing that she would seek the US presidency for the second time. A video message posted on her new campaign website said she wanted to be a “champion” for “everyday Americans.” Greece defended its bailout negotiation tactics after a German newspaper reported that Eurozone officials were disappointed that Greece acted "like a taxi driver" and just kept asking for money at recent talks. In Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung's (FAS) report, Eurozone officials were allegedly disappointed with Greece for not delivering plans for economic reforms at last week’s talks in Brussels. The leader of the Labour party, Britain's main opposition, will launch its manifesto today and will attempt to rebrand itself as the party of "fiscal responsibility." He will guarantees that every policy will be fully funded and will involve no extra borrowing. The World Bank cut its economic growth forecasts for East Asia and China after warning of "significant" risks from global uncertainties. China's economy is likely to slow to 7.1% in 2015 and 7.0% in 2016. Fatih Birol, chief economist and future head of International Energy Agency (IEA), said world oil markets will not see a significant rise in Iranian supplies for up to five years. He said that this is even if the OPEC member and world powers agree to a final nuclear deal by end-June. The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed that it is now in control of part of Iraq's largest oil refinery. The group posting images online on Sunday, suggesting that militants had stormed the facility. China’s exports shockingly slumped in March. According to China's customs administration, overseas shipments fell 14.6% last month from a year earlier in yuan value, compared with the median estimate for an 8.2% rise in a Bloomberg News survey. China's former energy chief, Jiang Jiemin, is on trial for corruption. Xinhua news agency said he is charged with bribery and abuse of power. Germanwings flight Flight 4U 826, bound for Italy from Germany, was evacuated late on Sunday due to a bomb threat. The budget airline, which was recently in the spotlight after one of its planes crashed into a mountain in the French Alps last month killing everyone on board, said federal police had received the bomb threat. Apple Watch pre-orders were 1 million in the US on its first day. Shopping data firm Slice Intelligence said almost two-thirds of pre-orders were for the less expensive, aluminum Sport line, which starts at $349.Join the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: 'Game of Thrones': The Iron Throne is a terrible investment