
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Tsipras: Greece Seeks No Rift with Europe

After the Greek government submitted its reforms list, currently being examined by the Brussels Group, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras stated that the country does not wish to cause a rift with Europe. In order for the country to avoid bankruptcy, the next bailout program installment needs to be unlocked so that Greece will be able to remain afloat. According to Reuters, the country will run out of money by April 20, if the cash is not disbursed in time. “The liquidity problem is naturally hampering the situation but I believe that will be tackled immediately once we reach an agreement over reforms,” Tsipras said in an interview with Sunday newspaper Real News. Furthermore, Tsipras also spoke about corruption within the country and the government’s attempts and measures to deal with it. He was also asked whether he wished to come to an agreement with Europe and the country’s official creditors (IMF/EU/ECB). “My view has always been the same: a break from corruption, a solution with Europe,” he replied.