
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Troika Returns to Athens Under Different Name

About twenty representatives from the European Central Bank, the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund will arrive to Athens next week to review the progress of reforms and measures Greece has agreed to implement. This time the number of representatives of Greece ‘s international lenders is far less than it used to be with the previous government. The review team will be composed of technocrats only. Greece and its lenders have agreed to abolish the term “troika” and creditors will be named “institutions” for communication purposes. Initially, creditors wanted to send a team of 45 but the Greek government declined. It was agreed that only the absolutely necessary number of technocrats will come to Athens. The representatives will not be meeting with ministers but with a team of officials from respective ministries. The Greek team will be composed of nine ministry representatives and they will be discussing only technical details of reforms and measures. The review of the institutions’ representatives is crucial for the negotiations until June when the final agreement on Greece ‘s bailout program will be made.