
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Nation: ‘Greece Stands Up’

American magazine “The Nation” will publish an issue featuring the Greek flag on the cover for the week March 23-30. The blue issue cover shows a raised fist with the Greek flag, while the title reads “Greece Stands Up.” The “The Nation” will also publish an extensive article, written by Greek-American journalist Maria Margaronis, on Greece’s negotiations with lenders from the national election of January 25 until today. Furthermore, the article will also focus on the sociopolitical issues and developments that lead to SYRIZA’s victory. According to Margaronis the negotiations will take a long time, however the concessions that the creditors have already made could change the Eurozone’s future. Furthermore, she noted that some politician’s from SYRIZA’s left wing are disappointed in the party’s negotiations, and they believe that Tsipras has betrayed his promises. However, she also noted that SYRIZA needs both sides — the radical and the liberal — to be united because it has a dual mandate: to end austerity and restore lost rights in addition to staying in the Eurozone. According to the article, SYRIZA is aiming to achieve some vital concessions, putting an end to the absurd requirement for huge primary surpluses, and the right to present its own reform program. In conclusion, the article notes that even though Greece is a small country, it insists on maintaining its democracy, despite the struggle it faces in Brussels, thus making the Eurozone gap even larger.