
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Tensions Rise Between Greece and Germany

A new sharpening of the bilateral relations between Greece and Germany was caused after Greek media accused the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble of publicly insulting Greek Financial Minister Varoufakis. Schäuble has been quoted as saying that Varoufakis is ''foolishly naive'' at the discussions on the Greek financial situation in Brussels Wednesday. A complained was filed to the German Foreign Ministry Tuesday, as confirmed by the spokesman of the Greek Foreign Ministry, Constantinous Koutras, DW reported. He deemed the comment made by Schäuble to be ''an insult to a colleague.'' The Brussels discussions invloved representatives of the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Despite the strain in EU-Greece relations, the second round of talks continued Thursday in Athens. The Greek capital hosted EU representatives for the first time since leftist party SYRIZA came to power. "There will be a fact-finding mission in Greece, reporting to the Brussels Group, assisting the Brussels Group in its deliberations," Greek Financial Minister Varoufakis said. The aim of the talks is said to be finding a solution favorable to both sides regarding the Greek bailout plan. The EU gave the Balkan country an extension to the repayment scheme, but demanded high level of repsonsibility and reforms. Meanwhile, Greek PM Alexis Tsipras demanded Wednesday that Germany would pay its reparations due on account of the damages during the WWII.