
Friday, March 13, 2015

SYRIZA MEP Glezos: I Never Opposed Tsipras’ Govt

His firm belief that any intraparty differences will soon be resolved expressed SYRIZA MEP and iconic figure of the Greek Left Manolis Glezos earlier today after a meeting with the country’s Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, held in the European Parliament in Brussels. As Glezos explained, he was briefed by the Greek Premier on the government’s work, which he underlined he supports. Moreover, he acknowledged there might be different views on certain matters, but these will be resolved sooner or later. “I have never been against the government, neither am I now,” Glezos highlighted, adding that he trusted the “government of the people” and the Prime Minister personally. Asked whether they discussed the German war reparations issue, he said they have not talked about it and that the issue would be discussed in the future. On his behalf, Tsipras stressed they had a fruitful discussion and acknowledged that the country is currently in a “critical period.” Although, he clarified that he remains optimistic, as “we will succeed in living up to the expectations of the Greek society, the popular mandate and our oath to honor these fights and give popular sovereignty, independence and prosperity back to our country.” Finally, the Greek Premier expressed his satisfaction over his earlier meetings with European Parliament President Martin Schulz and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, characterizing the day as a “positive” one.