
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sex, drink and death: Almeida announces trio of ancient Greek tragedies

Highlights of season throughout 2015 include a new Anne Carson translation of the Bakkhai starring Ben Whishaw, while Rupert Goold will direct Rachel Cusk’s take on MedeaFollowing three tempestuous performances in Juliette Binoche’s Antigone, Kristin Scott Thomas’s Electra, and Helen McCrory’s Medea, London is set to continue its current flush of ancient Greek tragedy as the Almeida announces its 2015 season.Ben Whishaw will star in an adaptation of The Bacchae, returned to its original spelling of Bakkhai by poet Anne Carson – her version follows her new translation of the aforementioned Antigone, currently playing at the Barbican ahead of a worldwide tour. Whishaw will play Dionysius, the wild and sensual god who comes into friction with the sober king Pentheus, played by Bertie Carvel, known for his role as the Trunchbull in Matilda. The production begins in July. Continue reading...