
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Report that European Parliament Prepared Grexit Plan Shocks Athens

A recent report from Europolitics, a Brussels-based European affairs daily publication, regarding an alleged European Parliament plan over a possible Grexit, which was later annulled by European Parliament President Martin Schulz, caused Greece’s firm reaction. SYRIZA MEP Dimitris Papadimoulis characterized the revelation as a “very significant” one, underlining that certain circles are playing games at Greece’s expense and the Eurozone’s stability. Moreover, regarding the report, Papadimoulis requested immediate briefing from Schulz. In a written statement, the SYRIZA MEP said: “This revelation is very significant and shows the games that some circles attempt to play against the country and the stability of the Eurozone. The European Parliament administration and above all the Secretary General must keep strict political neutrality, away from political games, without the knowledge of competent institutions and relevant procedures. I ask with my letter, which will be sent tomorrow, from President Schultz, a reliable update. The matter is very serious and requires immediate and full investigation.” The article cited European Parliament officials revealing that Secretary General Klaus Welle, in a meeting of Commission Director Generals in February, asked the completion of a report on a possible Grexit. On his behalf, Schulz, when informed on the issue, requested its immediate suspension, saying that this is not the European Parliament’s job.