
Saturday, March 28, 2015

New Democracy Leader: SYRIZA Leads Greece to a New Memorandum

New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras made an overall criticism over the Greek SYRIZA-led government actions of the past two months, addressing the first official meeting of his party’s political council on Friday. “New Democracy’s priority is the real economy and the citizen’s everyday life,” he underlined and estimated that “the SYRIZA government leads the country to a new Memorandum.” The meeting focused on the political situation with particular emphasis on the country’s economic difficulties, the liquidity problem and the suffocation in the economy. The first two months of SYRIZA’s governance were negative firstly for Greece’s economy and secondly for social issues such as education and security, migration and violence. The extension of the loan agreement was also touched, which New Democracy asks to come to parliament not only for discussion but also for ratification, claiming that otherwise the parliament is being downgraded and the agreement has no democratic legality. New Democracy estimates that the government avoids bringing the agreement to parliament in order to dodge problems within SYRIZA. New Democracy has clarified that it will vote the extension of the loan agreement for which it has stated that it is a mirror of the extension that the New Democracy government had voted in December 2014. Of course, New Democracy asks the list of reforms that the government will submit for approval to the Eurogroup, to be discussed in parliament. Referring to the reforms list, party spokesman Costas Karagounis said, “we cannot take a position if we do not see the measures.” New Democracy’s political council will convene on a regular basis every two weeks, except if extraordinary events occur. The next meeting has been scheduled for next week due to developments expected in the next Eurogroup.