
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Man Who Killed Family in Northern Greece Commits Suicide

A man who was in Diavata prison for a triple homicide that took place in Oreokastro, Thessaloniki, northern Greece two months ago committed suicide in his cell. The man had been imprisoned after he murdered his sister, brother-in-law and their underage son. The 55-year-old criminal Athanasios Kamaris hanged himself in his cell on Monday, March 1. Public prosecutor Lambros Tsongas who visited Diavata Prison early this morning requested an investigation regarding the circumstances of death. On January 2, he visited his sister’s family where they had an argument, allegedly about money. At that moment, he killed his brother-in-law and his sister with a knife. According to Greek Police, the child was a witness to both crimes. When he attempted to escape, his uncle caught up and murdered the 12-year-old boy in cold blood. Then he attempted to end his life using the same knife and jumped from the balcony of the house.He was admitted in a local hospital where he stayed for several days.. In his defense he claimed that his motive was the economic differences he had with his brother-in-law.