
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Juncker, Merkel Play Down Talk of Third Greek Bailout

It is “premature” to talk of a third bailout for Greece, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Wednesday, playing down talk of a new rescue package being considered for the debt-ridden eurozone member. "We are going to focus on implementing what was agreed in the Eurogroup," Juncker said at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Brussels. Angela Merkel also warned against speculation that Greece will need a third financial bailout now that the current programme had been extended by four months. "We are currently doing all that we possibly can to ensure that the second programme be successful," Merkel said The German parliament last month approved the decision of eurozone finance ministers to extend Greece’s current bailout programme until June, “so we now need to implement what was agreed in the Eurogroup", said Merkel On Monday, Spain's Economy Minister Luis de Guindos suggested that the eurozone was talking about another bailout for Greece. He later backtracked on his statement, saying the prospect of a third rescue package was hypothetical. Also on Monday, Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras denied his country needed a new bailout deal.