
Friday, March 6, 2015

Juncker Declines to Meet with Tsipras Before Eurogroup, Athens Refutes

With Greece facing a serious liquidity problem, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has asked for a meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. However, the European official replied that he will wait for Monday’s Eurogroup results before he meets with the Greek Premier. According to a report in German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung entitled “Tsipras Appeals to Juncker for Help,” the Greek Prime Minister asked for an emergency meeting on Friday but received a negative reply, said the report citing a government source in Athens. Juncker said that he will meet with Tsipras after the conclusion of Monday’s critical Eurogroup. Tsipras agreed for a meeting next week, however, a Commission official said that the two men are in constant communication over the telephone. According to the report, Tsipras wants Juncker’s support in the Eurogroup so that Greece can receive about 15 billion euros left in the bailout program extension. However, Greek government sources said that Tsipras never asked to meet with Juncker before the Monday meeting of Eurozone Finance Ministers. Instead, they said, the two men spoke on the phone on Thursday and arranged to meet next week, after the Eurogroup.