
Friday, March 20, 2015

Greek Teenagers Turn to Cannabis

A new statistical study published by the University Research Institute of Mental Health shows that teenagers in Greece prefer cannabis over alcohol and cigarettes. Around 4,500 teenagers aged 11, 13 and 15 years old answered a questionnaire last year without teacher supervision. The study was highly revealing showing that one in three 15-year-olds in Greece had smoked a cigarette, one in five had smoked for at least one month before the study, while one in eight had gotten drunk at least once over the month previous to the study. However, the use of substances such as alcohol or tobacco appears to be decreasing among teenagers in Greece. The financial crisis has played a significant role in the fact, due to the increase in selling prices of such products, however, the anti-smoking and anti-alcohol campaign have also helped in decreasing the rates. On the other hand, the study recorded an increasing use of cannabis among adolescents in Greece. In 2014, one in ten 15-year-olds had used cannabis at least once.