
Monday, March 23, 2015

Greek Student’s Lawyer Does Not Rule Out Murder

The lawyer representing Vangelis Giakoumakis’ family is not ruling out the scenario that the young student could have been murdered. According to lawyer Dimitris Boukas, it is possible that Vangelis committed suicide, but at this point there are also other scenarios that cannot yet be ruled out. “It is possible that he was murdered. We have not received the toxicology results yet. When we have them we will know more. What is beyond doubt is that he was a victim of torture. He was humiliated and such actions often lead the victim to despair,” said Boukas. Furthermore, there were rumors that Vangelis Giakoumakis left a note before his death, where he wrote about everything he went through. “The room was left unlocked for several hours, so it is likely that someone came in and wiped everything that could be used as incriminating evidence,” said private investigator Fontas Vrosgos. Six days after Vangelis’ funeral, his mother is preparing to give a new statement to Greek police, on the day that she would normally celebrate her child’s birthday. Maria Giakoumakis clarified that only the police investigation will show who is responsible for the death of her son. “If someone is responsible, I know what to do as a mother. If we find the people responsible, we know what to do as a family, following the law in a peaceful manner. I do not want innocent people to pay for this. I want them to be judged correctly, with attention to detail and patience, so that we may be sure of the result,” she said.