
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Greek Student Still Missing – Administrative Inquiry Coming to an End

New evidence has been brought to light by Greek investigative journalist Angeliki Nikolouli regarding the case of Greek student Vangelis Giakoumakis who went missing in Ioannina, northern Greece, after an alleged bullying incident. Taking the new information into consideration, Nikolouli called on Greek authorities to focus their investigation around the Dairy School where Giakoumakis was studying. Nikolouli has dedicated two shows on this case. According to people that spoke with the journalist on her show “Light in the Tunnel,” the 20-year-old student left the school angry, had a small walk and then returned, as opposed to previous reports, according to which he had just left the school. An eye-witness claimed that he saw Giakoumakis at the Dairy School around 2:45pm near the dorms and spoke to him. Furthermore, he also claimed that the student never returned to his room, contradicting his roommate’s statement. On the other hand, another student also claimed he saw Giakoumakis leave his room to visit the common toilets around 2:45pm. Meanwhile, the Rural Development Ministry administrative inquiry is slowly coming to an end, after investigating the Dairy School incidents and the bullying allegations.