
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Greek Health Min.: Participation in Medicine Cost Will Be Based on Income Criteria

Greece ‘s Health Minister Panagiotis Kouroumblis, speaking on Tuesday to private Mega and ANT1 TV stations, clarified that he is in favor of the insured paying part of their medicine cost based on income criteria. “There will be no increase but a more just allocation” that will be applied in order to “protect the weaker,” he said. Asked on whether the funds will be found, he noted that they will be covered by the balance sheets of the multinational drug companies. Moreover, Kouroumblis announced that in the next days the 5 euro admission fee to hospitals will be abolished adding that the 1 euro fee per prescription will be also abolished in the second half of 2015. He categorically dismissed media reports referring to cut in hospital budgets and spoke of “leonine” contracts with German companies at the Greek State’s expense. (source: ana-mpa)