
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Greek Gov’t: No Problem with Payment of Salaries and Pensions

The Greek government reassures the society that there is not problem with the payment of salaries and pensions, according to government sources that added that all the necessary measures have been taken. In an unofficial note the government stated that “in the one and a half months of its tenure the government has faced a very difficult situation that it inherited from Mr. Samaras’ government” adding that “it is widely known how fake the so-called ‘success story’ was regarding the end of the memorandums, the exit to the markets and other drivels.” Moreover, the same sources said on Sunday that there will be no additional recession measures and the austerity’s absurdity that Mr. Samaras government passionately honored, will not continue. For all the above reasons, said the same sources “the government has a plan and undertakes initiatives that will invigorate the State’s liquidity and will offer a breather to an economy and a society that can’t stand anymore pressure.” Moreover, it is noted that the scaremongering predictions on what would happen in Greece with a government of social salvation had started a couple of months before the general elections. (source: ana-mpa)