
Friday, March 6, 2015

Greek Government Mulls Changing Pricing Policy for Tolls

The Greek government is considering introducing electronic tolls which will charge drivers depending on the use of the road and establishing social tariffs for tolls which will serve vulnerable groups and people living near toll stations, the Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism Ministry said in an announcement. The announcement follows a meeting between Economy Minister George Stathakis and SYRIZA MPs from Magnisia, Pieria and Larisa, Greece, to discuss the government’s policy towards tolls and highways. The attendees also discussed abolishing the law drafted by former ministers Makis Voridis and Dimitris Reppas, which, as it is stated in the announcement, “criminalizes protests.” They also talked about the need to change the pricing policy for tolls to serve the needs of society, as it had been discussed in Parliament during the modification of concession contracts in November 2013. (source: ana-mpa)