
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Greek FinMin: There’s an Alternative if Greece Doesn’t Get Loan Tranche in March

There’s an alternative plan if Greece doesn’t receive its loan installment in March, Greece ‘s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said on Wednesday during a speech at an event marking the 130-year anniversary of the Greek-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The minister said the government’s program for the next four months combines ensuring funding from EU and repaying debt installments towards the IMF and some bonds not included in the PSI. Varoufakis expressed his wish the European Central Bank (ECB) will include again Greek banks into its funding operations when negotiations with the country’s lenders progress. Commenting on the upcoming Eurogroup on Monday, he said ministers will start debating Greece’s reform program and will launch the process for a new agreement with its partners. Discussing privatizations, Varoufakis noted he is not “dogmatic” and will allow those which are already underway, involve some participation of the State, bring important investments in sectors the state cannot invest in, promote the interests of the citizens and open possibilities for revenues. He also reiterated his position that he’s against fire sales. Varoufakis said the draft law on tackling the humanitarian crisis is costed and equivalent measures have been found from cost cuts and existing European programs. He also noted revenues in February are better than those reported in the media. Commenting on the auction of T-bills, he said private investors participated which is a good sign. Asked about the possibility of a third bailout for Greece , Varoufakis said this is far from the truth and that Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem was right to deny it. In a question relating to the mention of the “troika” by German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier today, the minister said the leader of Germany is a factor of stability and she probably used the word out of habit. (source: ana-mpa)