
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Greek Economist Suggests Troika Used False Data

During an interview with Greek journalist Nikos Evangelatos, Greek economist and Independent Greeks member Giorgos Romanias claimed that the reports on which the bailout program insurance measures were based are unacceptable. “They decided on wage and pension cuts because they did not calculate the Funds’ property,” he said. The reports were wrong and they led to wrong conclusions and unfair cuts, said Giorgos Romanias who also noted that when he asked for explanations regarding who wrote these reports, the only reply he got was that the studies were based on troika’s requirement targeting cuts. Specifically, the Greek economist said that the reports he was given to analyze had not calculated the properties owned by funds nor their yields. Furthermore, he stated that the authors of these studies had only take into account the contributions that the funds would receive, and the pensions that they were expected to deliver. He went as far as to say that this was a calculated error. Meanwhile, Giorgos Romanias noted that at the moment he needs to make new scientific studies on the subject and then the government will know how to act on the matter.