
Friday, March 27, 2015

Greek EconMin: Seeking Funding for Infrastructure Projects Is Top Priority

Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism Minister George Stathakis reiterated its intention not to pursue any new privatizations during a meeting with the British ambassador to Greece, John Kittmer. Stathakis briefed Kittmer on his ministry’s priorities which include planning the new program to receive EU funds, as well as joint private and state investments. He said one of the ministry’s top goals is to seek new sources of funding for infrastructure projects and change legislation regarding the release of subsidies. Kittmer, on his side, presented Stathakis with the British investments which have been made in Greece in the sectors of tourism, pharmaceuticals and infrastructure and expressed his certainty that the structural reforms which the government is planning to implement will invite new investors in all the aforementioned sectors, as well as in energy. The British envoy also spoke of the close cooperation between the two countries in shipping and the stable relationship between London and Piraeus since World War II. (source: ana-mpa)