
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Greek Defense Minister: We Will not Back Down on German War Reparations

The Greek government will not back down on the issue of German war reparations, underlined Defense Minister Panos Kammenos on Tuesday while speaking to Greek TV. “We will not back down and we will set the issue with conditions that will correspond to reality,” he said, and estimated that German Chancellor Angela Merkel left a “window” open for the issue saying that Germany will consider it within the framework of the committee set up by the German parliament. He also noted that the issue [of war reparations] is primary moral but clarified that it is totally different for the occupation loan. Kammenos said he considers Prime Minister Tsipras’ intervention on the Siemens scandal issue very important because, as he said, “it takes two for corruption.” Kammenos pre-announced that the Greek Defense Ministry will bring a series of draft laws to the parliament in the coming period that will provide for a series of changes in the armed forces. (source: ana-mpa)