
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Goldmine Area Tree-cutting License ‘Found Legally Compliant’ and Will Be Restored, Ministry Says

The productive reconstruction, environment and energy ministry confirmed the legality of the licenses for tree-cutting in the goldmine area of Karatzas in the northern Greek Halkidiki peninsula, but asked for a stay of such activities until the review is finished. The licenses were revoked for checking by the ministry, which said “the law will be applied… no tree-cutting activity must be allowed until the review is complete.” They concern an area of 30 hectares which must be cleared in order to serve as a depository of waste material from the Skouries goldmining activities. The ministry’s announcement said that as it was “always sensitive to environmental issues, asked of the relevant forestry department the full file of the protocols for tree-cutting, in order to carry out the necessary checks… Any other information that has seen the light of publicity does not correspond to actions of our ministry.” (source: ana-mpa)