
Monday, March 2, 2015

German Finance Ministry: No Ambiguities in Eurogroup Decisions on Greece

  The Eurogroup decisions on Greece still apply and do not contain ambiguities, German Finance Ministry spokesman Martin Jaeger said on Monday. The spokesman said that every step in the implementation of the process agreed jointly with Athens will be carefully monitored. Referring to German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble‘s interview on Sunday, when he spoke of a “credit event” in the case that Greece failed to promptly make payments to the European Central Bank (ECB), Jaeger said that Schaeuble was simply explaining the facts. He also said that Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had made a “very unusual mistake” by EU standards in accusing Spain and Portugal of wanting to drive Greece to “economic asphyxiation” during the recent negotiations, noting that such things were not done at the Eurogroup and that “we must not interfere in the affairs of our partners’ governments.” The spokesman said that Spain and Portugal were partners with whom there was very close cooperation and that Germany recognised their achievements in terms of reforms in recent years.