
Friday, March 20, 2015

French President Hollande: No Time to Lose for Greece

French President Francois Hollande has expressed his concerns over Greece’s tightening deadline to propose its reforms program that are in line with its existing commitments agreed with the country’s creditors. As he said, Greece must speed up the progress to implementing a deal to unlock further liquidity assistance. “These reforms must be looked at, assessed… so that they are compatible with Greece’s commitments,” the French President said, as quoted by the Reuters, following a meeting with European Union leaders, among whom was Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, yesterday. “We have to speed up the process. There is no time to lose,” Mr. Hollande finally urged. The French President’s comments come only a few days after similar statements made by the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble. Addressing a news conference held in Berlin, on February 18, about the German government’s spending plans he stated that the time for the country which is trying to renegotiate its bailout terms, is running out. According to Reuters, the Eurozone’s hardliner group leader had repeatedly said it is not his intention to sign a third bailout package for Greece’s troubled economy. “We have the impression, and everyone who is dealing with the question shares the impression, that time is running out for Greece. They obviously have certain problems,” he is quoted as saying in Reuters. Earlier today, the former Greek Prime Minister and New Democracy main opposition party leader Antonis Samaras, also expressed his woes over the country’s lack of time. “We are running out of time and money. It is also the end of the lies we have been hearing until now,” he said, adding that “in order for Greece to avoid suffocation, Mr.Tsipras must pass the exam of the new measures, and he will be graded by the troika and the Eurogroup.”